

Our vision is to be a nationally well-known school that produces high level students’ achievement on the national or international level, and helps students to develop their mastery of knowledge, entrepreneurship, global vision, technology, and character building.

Our Philosophy

Learning is a joyful journey beginning from youth, culminating in a lifelong pursuit of the wisdom and knowledge in the national and international perspectives of life.

Core Values "RESPECT"

In our professional conduct, we hold the highest standard of integrity and treat everybody with respect and dignity.

"R" ESPONSIBILITY – We promote the students to act independently, exert choice and take control -discipline, punctuality, cleanliness, honesty,
"E" NJOYMENT - The “students” is first in our service, their peace, happiness, health, safety, security, and enjoyment
"S" ELF CONFIDENCE – We develop the students’ self-identity and self-respect - self Control, self-management, empathy,
"P" ROFICIENCY - We strive for excellence in everything the students do, culture of excellence - achievement, ability, professionalism, competence
"E" NTREPRENEURSHIP – We promotes entrepreneurial spirit of the students – freedom of mind, passion, optimism, creativity, hard work, smart work, consistency, courage
"C" ONSIDERATION - We foster a strong relationship and collaborative partnership among the students - contribution, sharing, giving, empathy, discussions, etc.
"T" OLERANCE - We inculcate a strong sense of community spirit among the students, spirit of togetherness - teamwork, cooperation,respect one another


Our curriculum encourages the growth of all aspects of learning through developmentally appropriate activities. Mutiara Persada applies a National-Plus curriculum and is enriched by international concepts of life. This superb combination of learning models gradually leads the students toward improved social behavior and problem solving skills, and allows students to learn and play in a safe and warm atmosphere. A student’s experience at Mutiara Persada incorporates a wide range of activities, such as:

1. Self Developmental Trainings
2. English and Mandarin Focus
3. Entrepreneurship Trainings
4. National Exam Preparation Program
5. In-school & out-school learning
6. Learning center and learning corner
7. Extracurricular

At Mutiara Persada School, our curriculum is based on the Indonesian National Curriculum both Curriculum Year 2013 and School-based Curriculum Year 2006 (KTSP). Learning procces at Grade I, II, III, IV and V is conducted through thematic approach  (Curriculum 2013), while at Grade VI is carried out through subject approach (KTSP). Scondary school focuses on using KTSP in learning process. Our rigorous, well planned curriculum combined with high quality teaching ensures that children are supported to be well rounded, empathetic young people who have a genuine thirst for learning. Children develop a strong sense of moral purpose in addition to a respect for and understanding of people.

The curriculum is all the planned activities that we as a school organise in order to promote learning, personal growth and development. It includes, not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but also the range of extra-curricular activities that the school organises in order to enrich the experiences of our children. It also includes the ‘hidden curriculum’, or what the children learn from the way they are treated and expected to behave. We aim to teach children how to grow into positive, responsible people, who can work and co-operate with others, whilst developing knowledge, skills and attitudes to learning, in order that they achieve their true potential.

A. Legal Framework

Legal Framework of School Curriculum are:

  1. The National Education System Act (No 20/2003) provides legal framework of curriculum implemented in Indonesia. The Minister of National Education decrees No 22 and 23/2006 establish the content standard and graduate competences standard in developing curriculum. The standards are established by the Office of National Standard of Education.
  2. The Act defines curriculum as a set of plan with regard to the objectives, content, and learning materials as well as the methods employed as guideline in conducting learning activities in order to achieve the goal of a certain education.
  3. The curriculum of primary and secondary education must include religious education, citizenship, languages, mathematics, natural science, social science, art and culture, physical education and sport, skills/vocational education, and local content. The curriculum is basically developed based on diversified principles related to educational unit, regional potential, and the learners.
  4. The curriculum is developed according to the level of education in the frame of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia in the efforts to improve religious faith, character; learners’ potential, intelligence, and interest; the variety of regional potential and environment; the demand of regional and national development; the Indonesian Basic Education: Current Content and Reform 2
  5. Basic framework and structure of primary and secondary education curriculum are established by the Central Government. Primary education curriculum is developed in accordance with its relevance by individual school (or alike)/madrasah committee (school level curriculum) coordinated and supervised by the district office of education (local government) and district office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

B. Basic Framework of Curriculum and Competency

1. Subject Cluster and Scope

  1. Religion and noble character
    This subject is intended to develop learners to become religiously devoted individuals who posses noble character. The noble characters consist of ethics, good conduct in life, or morality as the realization of religious education.
  2. Civics Education
    This subject is intended to develop learners’ awareness and knowledge with regard to their status, rights, and obligations in community, state, and nation; as well as to improve their quality as human being. The awareness and knowledge include nationality, spirit and patriotism in defending their nation, appreciation of human rights, nation diversity, environment conservation, gender equality, democracy, social responsibility, as well as the promotion of behaviors against corruption, collusion, and nepotism.
  3. Science and technology
    Science at Primary school is intended to introduce, react, and appreciate science, as well as to instill habits of critical, creative, and independent scientific thinking and behavior.
    Science at Secondary school is intended to develop basic competency in knowledge and science as well as to enhance the learners’ habit of scientific thinking critically, creatively, and independently.
  4. Aesthetics
    This subject cluster is intended to develop learners’ sensitivity as well as ability to express and appreciate beauty and harmony. The ability to appreciate and express beauty and harmony consists of appreciation and expression, both in individual life that enable learners to enjoy and be grateful of life and in community that enable them to create togetherness and harmony.
  5. Physical, sport, and health
    This subject cluster at Primary school is intended to develop learners’ physical potential as well as to implant the spirit of sportsmanship and awareness of healthy life.
    This subject cluster at Secondary  school is intended to enhance the learners’ physical potential as well as to strengthen the habits of sportive and healthy life.

C. Competences standards for Primary School Graduate:

  1. To act on their religious teachings with regard to the stage of child development.
  2. To know one’s weaknesses and strengths.
  3. To obey social rules in their environment.
  4. To appreciate religion, culture, ethnics, racial, and socio-economics differences in their environment.
  5. To use information of their environment logically, critically, and creatively.
  6. To demonstrate the ability to think logically, critically, and creatively with the guidance of their teachers.
  7. To demonstrate high sense of inquiry and awareness of their potentials.
  8. To demonstrate ability to solve simple problems in their daily life.
  9. To demonstrate ability to identify natural and social phenomena in their environment.
  10. To demonstrate affection and care about their environment.
  11. To demonstrate affection and proud of their nation, state, and homeland.
  12. To demonstrate ability in local art and cultural activities.
  13. To demonstrate habits to live clean, healthy, fresh, and safe and to take advantage of spare time.
  14. To communicate clearly and politely.
  15. To work together in group, help each other, and protect themselves in their home and peer group.
  16. To demonstrate eagerness to read and write.
  17. To demonstrate skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and arithmetic.

D.   Competences standards for Primary school graduate:

a. To act on their religious teachings according to their pre-adolesence stage of development.
b. To demonstrate self-confidence.
c. To obey social rules in their broader environment.
d. To appreciate religious, cultural, ethnics, racial, and socio-economics differences in national scope.
e. To search and implement information from their environment and other sources logically, critically, and creativelly.
f. To demonstrate the ability to think logically, critically, cratively, and innovatively. Indonesian Basic Education: Current Content and Reform 4
g. To demonstrate the ability to learn independently on a par with their own potential.
h. To demonstrate the ability to analize and solve daily life problems.
i. To describe natural and social phenomena.
j. To responsibly take advantage of their environment.
k. To implement values of togetherness in social and national life in order to realize the unity in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
l. To appreciate art works and national culture.
m. To appreciate job tasks and able to perform productively.
n. To live clean, healthy, fresh, and safe life and to take advantage of their spare time.
o. To communicate and interact effectively and politely.
p. To understand own and others’ right and obligation in her/his social interaction. q. To appreciate differences in opinion.
r. To demonstrate eagerness to read and write short and simple article.
s. To demonstrate skills in listening, reading, speaking, and writing in simple Indonesian language and English.
t. To master the knowledge required to continue study in secondary education.

E.   Curriculum Structure of Primary and Secondary School

Curriculum structure of Primary school includes learning content learned in six years education started from Grade I until Grade VI and three years at junior high school started from Grade VII to Grade IX. The curriculum structure is developed based on graduate competency standard and subjects competency standard by considering the following guideline.

  1. Primary and Secondary school curriculum consists of 8 and 10 subjects consecutively, local content, and self development. Local content is curricular activities in order to develop competency adjusted with unique local characteristics and potential, including local advantages where the content cannot be clustered into the existing subjects. Local content is determined by individual educational unit (school or alike). Self development is not a subject that must be taught solely by teacher. Self development is intended to provide opportunity for learners to develop and express themselves corresponding to each learner’s need, talent, and interest. Self development activities could be facilitated by counselor, teacher, or other educational staffs that can be conducted in the forms of extra-curricular activities. Self development activities, among other things, can be performed through counseling services related to learners’ personal problems, social life, learning, and career development.
  2. The content of natural and social science at Primary and Secondary school is integrated natural and social science.
  3. Learning process at Grade I, II, III, IV and V is conducted through thematic approach, while at Grade VI is carried out through subject approach.
  4. Average learning hour for Grade I, II, and III is 27 and Grade IV, V, and VI is 32 a week, while average learning hour at Secondary school is 32. Educational unit could add maximum 4 learning hours per week. The length of one learning hour is 35 minutes at elementary school and 40 minutes at junior high school.
  5. Effective learning period in one year of schooling is 34-38 weeks for both Primary school and Secondary school divided into two semesters.

F.   General Principles of Curriculum Development

  1. Focused on learners’ potential, development, needs, and interest; and their environment
    Curriculum is developed based on the principle that learners have their own unique potential to develop their competence to become religiously devoted, bright, competitive, and responsible citizens. It is, therefore, the development of this potential is done based on the learners potentials and develomental needs. The learners are supposed to be the central attention of learning activities (learners oriented curriculum).
  2. Varied and integrated
    Curriculum is developed by keeping in mind the diversity of learners characteristic, geography condition, level and type of education, as well as appreciating differences in religion, ethnics, culture, tradition, socio-economics status, and gender. Curriculum must contain required subjects, local content, and integrated self development and is developed in a meaningful and right intersubjects integration.
  3. Responsive to the development of science, knowledge, technology, and art Curriculum is developed based on awareness that science, knowledge, technology, and art is developing dynamically. Therefore, the curriculum spirit and content are required to provide learners with learning experience that enable them to keep up with and utilize science, knowledge, technology, and art development.
  4. Relevant to the need of life
    Curriculum is developed by involving the stakeholders to ensure its relevance to the needs of life which include social life, business, and employment. It is, therefore, educational institutions have to include the development of personal, thinking, social, academic, and vocational skills.
  5. Comprehensive and continued
    Curriculum content includes the whole dimensions of competences and subjects that are planned and presented continously through all educational level. It means, therefore, that the same subject may be presented at different level, but with diverse depth and scope.
  6. Life long learning
    Curricullum is directed toward the process of learners’ development, aculturation, and empowerment in the frame of life long learning. The curricullum reflects the interrelation of formal, non-formal, and informal education by paying attention to the ever changing environment condition and demand.
  7. Balancing national and regional interests
    Curriculum is developed by paying attention to the national and regional interest in order to develop a well balanced life in community, nation, and state. National and regional interests must be kept in balance on a par with the motto of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia: unity through diversity.

G.   Principles of Curriculum Implementation

  1. Curriculum implementation is based on the learners’ potential, development, and condition to master useful competency. Learners must have quality educational services and opportunity to freely, dynamically, and comfortably express themselves.
  2. Curriculum is implemented by maintaining five learning pillars: (a) learning to be faithful and devoted to God, (b) learning to understand and fully comprehend, (c) learning to be able to perform effectively, (d) learning to live with and be useful for other people, and (e) learning to identify and develop own identity through active, creative, and contented learning process.
  3. Curriculum implementation enables learners to have remedial, enriched, and/or accelerated educational program on a par with learners’ potential, developmental stage, and condition by paying attention to learners’ integrated personal development containing spirituality, individuality, community, and morality.
  4. Curriculum is implemented in situations where there are mutually respectful, close, open, and warm relationship between learners and educators by keeping in mind the principles of good modeling, motivating, and empowering.
  5. Curriculum is implemented by employing multi-strategy and multi-media approach, sufficient learning and technology sources, and by utilizing immediate environment as learning source.
  6. Curriculum is implemented by utilizing natural, socio-cultural, and regional sources for successful educational programs containing useful subjects in optimal learning process.
  7. Curriculum consisting of all components of subjects’ competency, local content, and self development is managed in appropriate and sufficient balance, interrelation, and continuity between grade, type, and level of education.

H. Time allocation for Primary School Grade VI (KTSP)

Time allocation per weeks (in learning hour)
A. Subjects IV
1. Religion 3
2. Civics Education 2
3. Bahasa Indonesia 5
4. Mathematics 6
5. Natural Sciences 5
6. Social Sciences 4
7. Arts and Culture 4
8. Physic, Sports and Health 4
B. Local Subjects
1. Javanese Language 2
2. English 4
3. Mandarin 3
  4. Batik 2
  5. Computer and Technology 2
C. Self Development
1. Painting V
2. Singing V
3. Robotic V
4. Boy Scout V
5. Music V
6. Chorus V
7. Swimming V
8. Ophera V
9. Tae Kwon do V
10. Football V
11. English Training V
12. Science Experiment V
13. Dancing V
14. Recite  Qur’an V
15. Computer V
Total 44

I. Time Allocation For Secondary School (KTSP)

Components Time allocation per weeks
(in hour learning)
  1. Religion 2 2 2
  2. Civics Education 2 2 2
  3. Bahasa Indonesia 4 4 4
  4. English 8 8 8
  5. Mathematics 5 5 5
  6. Natural Science 6 6 6
  7. Social Science 4 4 4
  8. Art and Culture 2 2 2
  9. Physic, Sports and Health 2 2 2
  10. Computer and Technology 2 2 2
Local Subjects
  1. Javanese Language 2 2 2
  2. Mandarin 4 4 4
Self Development
  1. Boy Scout 2 2 2
  2. Swimming 2 2 2
  3. Football 2 2 2
  4. Badminton 2 2 2
Total 45 45 45


Lingkungan sekolah hijau dan sehat
(Green and healthy school environment)

  1. Kolam renang (swimming pool)
  2. Cctv (cctv)
  3. Perpustakaan (library)
  4. Lingk. Sekolah aman (Safe area)
  5. Kantin (canteen)
  6. Lab komp (computer lab)
  7. Lab sains (science lab)
  8. Lab alam (natural lab)
  9. Psikolog sekolah (school psychologist)

Codes of Conduct

A. Student’s Rights and Responsibilities

Every student has the responsibility to:
  • Study to the best of their ability and not interfere with the teaching and learning process of others.
  • Adhere to school rules and expectations.
  • Respect the rights of others
B. Parent’s Rights and Responsibilities

Every parent has the right to:

  • Quality teaching programs for their children.
  • A clean, safe and orderly school environment.
  • Discuss the progress of their child or other issues with teachers and the administration

Every parent has the responsibility to:

  • Assist children with their study at home by providing quality homework time and a quiet and orderly space to study.
  • Inform the school about facts that could affect the child’s learning (including health issues and absences).
  • Raise issues of concern with the appropriate teacher.
C. Teacher’s Rights and Responsibilities

Every teacher has the right to:

  • Teach without interference.
  • A clean, safe and orderly school environment.
  • Be treated with respect

Every teacher has the responsibility to:

  • Prepare and present the best educational program possible and to support each student to achieve his or her potential.
  • Be clear about school rules and classroom expectations.
  • Respect the rights of others

Complaints Policy

Mutiara Persada has four main stages in handling complaints. The following details outline the stages that can be used to resolve complaints.

  1. Stage 1 – concern heard by staff member

Concerns can be raised with the school at any time and will often generate an immediate response, which will resolve the concern. The school requests that parents make their first contact with their child’s class teacher. On some occasions the concern raised may require investigation, or discussion with others, in which case parents will receive an informal but informed response within a day or two. The vast majority of concerns will be satisfactorily dealt with in this way. However, if parents are not satisfied with the result at stage 1, they can write to or call the school within 5 school working days and state what they would like the school to do. The school will then look at their complaint at the next stage.

  1. Stage 2 – complaint heard by Principal

Formal complaints shall be put in writing and addressed to Principal of Mutiara Persada School (e.g. Principal of Mutiara Persada Primary School). The complaint will be logged, including the date it was received. The school will normally acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 2 school working days of receiving it. In many cases this response will also report on the action the school has taken to resolve the issue. Alternatively, a meeting may be convened to discuss the matter further. This meeting will normally take place within 5 school working days. The aim will be to resolve the matter as speedily as possible. However, if not satisfied with the result at stage 2 parents can write to or call the school within 5 school working days of getting school response. Parents will need to tell the school why they are still not satisfied and what they would like the school to do.

  1. Stage 3 – complaint heard by Executive Boards (Pengurus Yayasan)

If the matter has not been resolved at Stage 2 or the complaint is about the Principal, then parents will need to write to the Head of Yayasan Mutiara Persada c/o the school. The Head of Yayasan will arrange for the complaint to be acknowledged within 5 school working days of receiving it and a meeting may be convened to discuss the matter further. Following an investigation, the Head of Yayasan will aim to provide a written response within 10 school working days of sending out the acknowledgement. However if a complaint is more complex to review this can be extended to 20 school working days. The school will provide parents details of the new deadline and an explanation on the delay. If parents are dissatisfied with the result at stage 3, parents will need to let the school know within 10 school working days of getting the response. The school will then look at parents complaint at the next stage.

  1. Stage 4 – complaint heard by Governing Boards complaints appeal panel

If the matter has still not been resolved at Stage 3, then the complainant will need to write to the Governing Boards giving details of the complaint and asking that it is put before the appeal panel. Should the Chair have been involved at any previous stage in the process a nominated Governor, impartial to the complaint, will convene a complaints panel. The complaint will be acknowledged within 5 school working days of receiving it. The hearing will normally take place within 20 school working days of sending the acknowledgment. The aim of the Appeal panel hearing is to impartially resolve the complaint and to achieve reconciliation between the school and the complainant. All parties will be notified of the Panel’s decision in writing within 5 school working days after the date of the hearing. The letter will also contain what complainants need to do if they wish to take the matter further.
The Governors appeal hearing is the last school-based stage of the complaints process.

Health and Safety Policy

Administration of Medicines

  • Medication is only administered to pupils when the parental consent form has been completed
  • The medicine will be administered by one nominated member of staff for each pupil and appropriate records kept
  • Medicines are kept in a locked cupboard in the school office
  • The only exceptions to this are asthma medication which may be kept in appropriate locations, out of the reach of other pupils, as appropriate
  • The doses administered during the school day are to be kept to the minimum, e. g. a course of antibiotics requiring four doses a day  - only one dose (lunchtime) will normally need to be administered at school


  • All staff have been made aware of the location of any asbestos in school

Control of Hazardous Substances

  • The use of hazardous substances in school will be kept to a minimum
  • The associated procedures and control measures will be funded and enforced

Display Screen Equipment

  • For members of staff with ‘desk based jobs’ the School’s procedure for carrying out workstation self assessments on an annual basis will be followed
  • For members of staff provided with portable devices (e.g. laptops) staff will be issued with the current guidance on their use

Educational Visits

  • All off site trips will be subject to risk assessment

Electrical Testing

  •  All items of portable electrical equipment in school are inspected and checked annually

Fire Safety and Evacuation of the Building

  • Fire exits have appropriate signage
  • Plans showing exit routes are displayed by the wall inside the school
  • A fire drill is practised and documented once a term
  • Evacuation times and any issues which arise are reported to the Governors
  • Fire extinguishers are checked annually
  • A separate fire safety policy and risk assessment has been produced

First Aid Provision

  • The school has carried out a first aid risk assessment to ascertain the required number of first aiders and the location / number of first aid kits
  • Portable first aid kits are taken on educational visits
  • If the risk assessment dictates that it is necessary, a qualified first aider will be present on the trip

Food Technology

  • Cooking equipment including stoves will only be used under teachers guide
  • Staff must be satisfied that the tasks undertaken are appropriate for the pupils concerned
  • Close supervision will be appropriate for riskier parts of the cooking process, i.e. frying food at stove

Playground Equipment

  • Playground equipment and it’s use is supervised during all breaks during the school day
  • If the equipment is used during lesson time supervision is again maintained
  • A decision is made, recorded and enforced if inclement weather (damp / windy) means that equipment becomes unsafe to use on a particular day

Risk Management

  •  The school maintains a comprehensive set of risk assessments that cover curriculum based activities in school; school visits and the running of the school building and grounds
  • They are all available on the school central server for staff to inspect and refer to as necessary
  • The management team will take steps to ensure that appropriate staff are aware of the risk assessments appropriate to their role and will monitor compliance with control measures specified in the risk assessments
  • All risk assessments are reviewed on an annual basis (except risk assessments for school trips which should be reviewed each time the trip takes place)

Suprvision of Pupils

  • Sensible, safe behaviour will be promoted to pupils by all members of staff
  • Dangerous or risky behaviour displayed by pupils will be addressed and dealt within the school rules
  • Pupils will only be allowed into or stay in classrooms under adult supervision
  • Appropriate supervision of toilet access will be in place at busy times

Language Policy

  1. Mutiara Persada Language Profile

Mutiara Persada educates students from any background with diverse linguistic and culture. Language spoken by students majority is Indonesian. Other languages are English, Mandarin, and Javanese as a local language.

  1. Language of Instruction

Our languages of instruction are English and Indonesian, these languages are considered of equal importance in our curriculum and programs. Mutiara Persada accomodates two kinds of classes; Reguler Class and English Class. For Regular Class, Indonesian is the language students are most often exposed to in their daily learning activity in the school. For English class, English is the language used by the teacher to teach and to communicate in the class.
We also recognize that among our diverse teaching staff, there are teachers in specialist subjects who do not have the appropriate English skill to teach using English and re flexible in allowing those subjects to be taught by and large in Indonesian language. But as part of our ongoing commitment to developing international mindedness, all teaching staff are expected to work towards developing a working fluency in English as a key part of their professional and personal development.
Especially for language subjects (Indonesian language, English, Mandarin and Javanese language), teaching wiill be conducted adjusting the language.
With this in mind, our classroom subjects can be split into four categories:

  1. Class conducted only in English
  2. Class conducted only in Indonesian Language, and
  3. Class conducted in bilingual (mix of those two languages)
  4. Class condusted based on the language subjects (Indonesian language, English, Mandarin and Javanese.
  1. Mother Tongue in Primary School

Mother tounge development is supported optimally for students whose fisrt language is English. For students with other mother tounges, language development is encouraged where possible, like reading with parents, when discussing work at home, when reflecting on work at home, etc. School works with parents to find appropriate resources, literature and cultural insights of their country.

  1. Mother Tongue in Secondary School

Mother tounge development is supported directly for students whose fisrt language is English. For students with other mother tounges, language development is encouraged where possible like reading with parents, when discussing work at home, when reflecting on work at home, etc.

  1. Javanese Language

Mutiara Persada is a national school with international concepts of life. We prepare our student to have good knowledge about international culture, mindset and language. Based on the place, our school is located in Yogyakarta, the special region which is renowned as a center of Javanese culture. This makes Javanese as an important language for students to know. Javanese language in our school is approached from a cultural rather than linguistic perspective. The goal is not linguistic fluency but rather than an understanding of Javanese culture. We allocate Javanese language 2 hours of lesson per week for all grades.

  1. Mandarin Language

Tomorrow’s leader must be able to compete, work and thrive in a globalized world with diverse and  multilingual people. By offering sudents early education opportunities to learn Mandarin, we can prepare them  for careers in a world and workplace. China is  predicted by many to become the world’s largest economy by the time our students enter the working world and as such,  working knowledge of Mandarin could prove invaluable to these children’s futures. Mandarin is included in our curriculum to allow students to gain  knowledge of the language and culture of China.
Running Mandarin lesson, we work together with BAKOR (Badan Koordinasi Pendidikan Bahasa Tionghoa) DIY to serve reliable materials and teachers. We also provide opportunities to student to perform their Mandarin skill in some Mandarin festivals.

  1. English Outclass Learning

In English Outclass learning program students learn through what they do, through what encounter and through what they discover. It gives experiences in which students participate in a variety activities such as cooking, going to museum, going to post office, etc. We use English for this session to train them the application of English practically in some conditions and for some professions.

Closing Remark

Every teacher at Mutiara Persada is a language teacher and recognises the importance of language as a means of communication. It is a tool to connect the self to the external world through knowing, learning, thinking, reflecting and expression. Through language we appreciate the importance of culture, diversity and sensitivity toward others, which in turn enhances one’s personal growth and development.